Coming Soon Daily Life

Kiweeeggoooo.So Jyeah how about your eid?Full with le'enjoyable or not?Serious talk,i'm just having a bored eid for this year and many people tell the same word.Raya Raya Raya and Raya.So stop story about raya and now talk about Daily Life.Your daily life as a students.*mata terbeliak* Really i'm a students?Lelw~~

I'm still need a school holiday,i need so much buttt but yeah i'm get a idea ...

Me:Teacher,i'm didn't come to school because i'm having a sore eye *duckface*I'm got 5 day MC *duckface* peaceeee
Teacher: Slap my face always *duckface* 

Really cute Drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When school day need to wake up early in the morning.If school holiday always sleep and sleep and sleep non stop.But now day students always tweeting or facebooking until them eyes having a sore eye*duck face*.:D Let's talk about your ,yourrr , Errrrrrrrrr ..

Homework.So i want say hello to your homework.Are you still remind your homework dear.The above text show how i'm chillen with my homework.Sunday Night is my busy night ever.Same with you right?Right?Right?Yeah seppp.#IWannaKnowWhy students like to do them homework at saturday night?Haha.My entry is helping you to remind your school homework and kiiweegoo do your homework okay.

I'm also want wish to 95'batch good luck for Trial.Just keep in patient when answer the question.More chillen with doa.Try to less with social network application.Focus with your study and do the best guys.I'm always will pray for you.Insyallah ,Aminn .

Finally,i want say sorry if my #OhMyEnglish so extreme.Assalamualaikum and Happy Going To School .

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